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Options of Acne Treatment

Acne vulgaris is caused due to the accumulation of sebum, debris and dirt in the pores of the skin. Bacteria are attracted by this accumulation, and this leads to infection. This skin issue is more common in the young adults and teenagers. However, it can occur at any part of the lifetime. This condition can become painful as well as irritating. Many people, who have this skin disease, suffer from emotional disorders also. There are different acne treatment options that are available for the acne patients. This can reduce the effects of acne or even cure it altogether. Through proper treatment process, you will be able to prevent the formation of cysts, scars and pimples. The treatment option that you select depends on the severity of the problem. You must figure out the main cause behind this skin disease. This will help you to clear it up effectively, and prevent it from occurring again. 

Most vital part of the acne treatment procedure is to clean the face with warm water at least twice daily. The skin should be cleansed with a mild soap. There are acne soaps or lotions that can help in healing the skin disease quite gently. Scrubbing must be avoided as it can worsen the situation. You can wipe the face with wet tissues whenever you go out. Benzoyl peroxide is highly useful for the treatment of acne. This medication can be found in different forms such as ointments, creams, liquids and gels. The dirt trapped in the skin follicles is targeted by it. If this dirt can be removed, then it can begin the healing process. Application of salicylic acid can also be effective in acne treatment. It dries the greasy as well as oily debris in the skin pores. Apart from this chemical, Azelaic acid has also proved to be beneficial. It can kill the bacteria which are responsible for the acne formation. Thus, chemical treatment is one of the most common methods that are helpful for people suffering from acne. You can avail different products that contain these chemicals.

Medications based on Vitamin A can also be used for acne treatment. These are generally known as retinoid, and they work by peeling the outer layer of the skin. You can apply them on the skin for one or two times in a day. There are also the antibiotic lotions that control the bacteria that cause acne. Besides the lotions, antibiotic tablets can be used in case of inflammatory acne. They can be taken for three to six months on a daily basis for getting the best benefits. These medications can dry up the  oily secretion of the skin. You can speak with skin specialist before going for any such medication.     

For moderate acne treatment, you can use some essential oils. These include bergamot oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, rosewood oil and clove oil. You can visit your local pharmacy or retail store for the treatment products that will help you to get rid of acne. However, you must understand all aspects of a treatment method before going for it.
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