Breast tissues or the lining inside the milk ducts are the main areas from where breast cancer originates. Breast cancer is mainly divided into lobular carcinomas and ductal carcinomas, and the names come from the different places of origin of this cancer. This cancer does not happen only in humans but is also seen among other animals and specially mammals. In humans, women are more prone to breast cancer, but that does not mean that men are exempted from the risk of breast cancer, although, the chances are meager when compared to women.
There are different factors on which the treatment for breast cancer depends, like the stage, the growth rate, the size at which the cancerous tumor is in or has been detected. Treatments like chemotherapy, surgery, radiation are available, but the removal of the tumor with the help of surgery has gained widespread success, and this method alone has given a complete cure in the case of breast cancer. To make sure that the person, who has been freed from the shackles of breast cancer, enjoys a long life without any diseases arising from it again, chemotherapy regimens are given along with surgery.
Radiation is used to kill those cells which are cancerous which were missed by surgery, so that it does not start multiplying once again, and bringing the person back to square one. This helps in increasing the survival chances of the patient, but the side effect is that the heart gets exposed to radiation which in the future might cause heart failure. Some forms of breast cancer fluctuate due to hormones like progesterone or estrogen and by blocking these hormones from affecting; we can treat this variety of breast cancer. The survival rate in the case of breast cancer is about 85%, suggests a recent study, but that varies depending on the stage of cancer and the kind of treatment that was given.
There are various types of cancers worldwide, but breast cancer alone covers 22.9% in women which is an alarming figure. Symptoms of breast cancer are generally a lump that is harder and different and not like the remaining tissues of the breast. It is only when the person feels an awkward lump in the breast that they go for consultation, and 80% of this cancer has been detected this way. So, we can conclude that the initial symptoms are quite visible. Recent studies revealed that not all breast cancers can be prevented from happening, but there are some that can be prevented by not consuming alcohol and increasing physical exercise, and maintaining an ideal weight.
Smoking is another crucial factor that expedites the process of cancer of the breast and the earlier you begin smoking in life, the greater are the chances of having cancer. Having the first child late, or not having a child at all consist a formidable percentage of breast cancer issues. Nowadays, there are advanced surgeries like lumpectomy, which helps a lot in treatment, but the best way is to try to prevent it from happening by not drinking alcohol, not smoking, having a balanced diet and making exercise a compulsory chore in our daily life. After all, “Prevention is better than cure.”
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