There are plenty of lotions and creams available in the market that promise to remove or to get control over the sudden break out of Acne or pimples. The most common story line of a commercial that promotes such a product is that a teenage girl or boy wants to go to a party or prom night but is utterly disheartened by the break of pimples on the day of the event, and how that pimple cream miraculously cures it. However, all these commercials may not reveal the real truth about acne and how one can get rid of it.
Acne most popularly known as zits or pimple is a condition of the skin that gives rise to blackheads, red swelling and whiteheads. When pores of our skin get clogged zits are formed. Follicles that are found in our skin comprise of oil glands and hair and these follicles have an opening or a pore. Such oil glands lubricate our skin and help in the removal of dead or old cells. When excessive oil is produced from the glands the pores may be blocked, and this may result in the buildup of bacteria, debris, dirt etc. Bacteria are not the cause of pimples but inflammation and swelling.
Teenagers are most troubled by the problem of Acne due to various hormonal alterations or changes that their body goes through, but it can also occur on the skin of people belonging to different age group, even new born infants. The tendency of having zits or pimples is often a characteristic carried down from generation to generation in a family. In such cases, various factors like hormonal alteration related to pregnancy, stress, oily lotions, greasy cosmetics, excessive sweating, high humidity or oily products for hair may trigger the growth of acne. The most common places where pimples appear are face, shoulder, legs, trunk, and arms too.
Most common beliefs like eating nuts, chocolates or oily food may trigger the growth of acne is not scientifically proven. However, having high quantity of refined sugar in the food consumed daily, can lead to break out pimples in your face or different parts of your body.
To cure the problem of pimple you can consult a dermatologist or you can take some effective steps at your own home. Firstly to get a proper, clean and glowing skin it is essential that you clean it regularly with a nondrying and mild soap that will effectively remove makeup and dirt. Secondly, regular exercise can give miraculous results. Thirdly, if you have hair that is oily you should shampoo it regularly and tie it in a manner so that it stays away from your face.
When you have acne on your skin, it is vital that you do not touch it with your nails or fingers or scratch and squeeze it, as it may result in blemishing your skin. If you face acute pimple problem, you can also ask your family physician or dermatologist to prescribe medicine that helps to stop the break out of pimples.
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