Mesothelioma – Cause and Treatment

Mesothelium is a kind of protective tissue that forms a lining to cover various internal organs of our body for instance our heart, stomach, lungs and various other organs. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects this Mesothelium tissue. The primary reason for such cancer is inhaling of asbestos or getting exposed to asbestos fiber and dust. A person can also develop cancer of the Mesothelium tissues by washing clothes of a family member who has worked with or got exposed to asbestos. Diagnosis and treatment of Mesothelioma in the early stages of its development is possible in today’s time as a result of the extensive research made by scientists and physicians.

In most cases, cancer of the Mesothelium tissues generally starts or develops in a person’s lungs. However, this disease can also start from other organs. It is also necessary to note that Mesothelioma is not caused due to smoking. Previously this type of cancer was considered to be a mystery and impossible to cure because its symptoms in the early stages of its development are remarkably similar to other diseases or some common illnesses. Diagnosis of this disease is difficult because it has a large latent period. In simple words, it can take as many as 30 years or more time for Mesothelioma symptoms to show after a person has got exposed to asbestos. 

The development of Mesothelioma can be divided in four distinctive stages and with each stage prognosis of the disease becomes bleaker and bleaker. It is significant that a person seeks treatment in the initial stages so that he can expect a longer life. Common symptoms of this disease are anemia, hoarseness, pain in the chest, fatigue, coughing etc. For the diagnosis of the disease, it is essential to consult a doctor who may suggest getting an X-ray report of the chest, a biopsy, CT scan etc.

In the beginning of the 20th century, in US, asbestos was used to build different buildings, vehicles and ships for the armed forces. As a result, many workers as well as soldiers got exposed to it. During the Second World War, asbestos was also largely used in factories. Due to the harmful effects of asbestos its production and use has been significantly reduced but still many get afflicted by it. They may even not know the symptoms of Mesothelioma. If a person is suffering from cancer of the Mesothelium tissues as he got exposed to asbestos in his work place or other such places, he can ask for compensation or can file a lawsuit.

For the treatment of Mesothelioma, a patient can undergo surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. In most cases, a patient can undergo a treatment that combines all the above mentioned processes to get better results. People who have survived this particular type of cancer show that its treatment extends beyond the hospitals and better results can be achieved by following a healthy diet, regular exercises and other alternative form of therapies. To be informed about the symptoms of this disease, can help a lot to start the treatment at the right time.

Threats of Colon Cancer

Around 7% of Americans are under the threat of Colon Cancer popularly known as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer, suggests a recent study. This is generally caused by cell growth, which is uncontrolled, and this mainly happens in the rectum or the colon. This is totally different from the cancer which affects the anus which is clinically known as anal cancer so that people do not get confused and mix up these two types of cancers. The bowel lining is where this type of cancer mainly starts, and if it is not treated properly, it can affect the underneath muscle layers and finally the wall of the bowel.

Since this cancer is inside the body, there are no guaranteed visible symptoms which can lead us to the conclusion that a person might be suffering from Colon Cancer. Although there are no sure shot signs or symptoms, anemia or rectal bleeding might just raise an eyebrow as these features are high risk. Clinical studies suggest that with the increase in age, the chances of developing colon cancer increases. People who have had this cancer previously are more prone to having it again and specially women who had breast, uterus or ovary cancer.

Non smokers are at a lower risk than smokers for getting affected by Colon cancer. Recent studies have brought to light the fact that the diets, which consist mainly, of processed meat and red meat and meals, in which the fiber content is low, run a higher risk of getting affected by Colon cancer. Studies further shows that people whose alcohol intake exceeds 30 ml a day are at a higher risk of becoming a prey to this cancer. This cancer mainly happens due to mutation in the epithelial cells, due to which the signaling activity is increased artificially, resulting in uncontrollable cell growth.

Several years are needed for Colon cancer to develop completely and the faster it is diagnosed, the chances of getting cured are greater. There are several ways to confirm if a person is suffering from this cancer or not. The most practiced way is that the doctor wears a lubricated glove and puts in a finger in the rectum to feel if there is any abnormal swelling which might be a tumor. This test is effective and useful as an initial level screening test. Several advanced tests like, Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy confirm the results if there are any traces of cancer or not.

Different methods formulated by different people are used to classify the different stages of colon cancer. Recently a medical journal published the news that scientists from Japan have found out that Labradors could detect colon cancer by the smell of a chemical that is produced, and the success rate is around 95 %, which is surprising. This cancer is preventable, and can be prevented from happening in the first place by improved lifestyle; enhanced surveillance and maybe with the proper use of chemo-preventative dietary agents can stop this cancer from affecting an individual.

Cancer And Its Various Aspects

Cancer is a serious health issue which involves the uncontrolled development of the cells in the human body. These cancerous cells are also known as malignant cells. There are over hundred types of cancerous diseases. Most of the organs in our body can be affected by cancer. It is not known to a large number of people that body parts such as the heart and eyes can also be influenced by this. Every form of cancerous disease is distinct with its own specific causes as well as symptoms. The treatment methods are also different. The cells work as the building blocks in the body of the living beings. Cancer develops from the normal cells that are present in our body. These cells increase in number when required and die when they are not needed by the body anymore. When there is an abnormal growth of cells, which divide too fast, then it leads to cancer. It can even take place when the cells that are not required cannot die.

The out of control increase of cells is considered to be malignant. The malignant cells can spread to the nearby organs and cells. This leads to the development of the disease. There are different forms of cancerous issues that can be experienced by human beings. There are several factors that can lead to the formation of cancer. This includes several types of chemicals. Excess consumption of alcohol can also result in the development of the cancerous tissues and cells. This can also be caused by the toxins present in the environment. Exposure to excessive sunlight is also a common cause. Apart from these, there are issues such as genetic problems, radiation, obesity and viruses. However, the actual cause behind most of these diseases is still unknown. Most of the cancerous diseases are named after the particular organ where they form. In United States, Lung cancer is accountable for most deaths related to cancer. There are different types of cancers that are common in different parts of the world. The spread of this disease from one body part to the other is known as metastasis.

The symptoms are depended on the type of the disease. Presence of this disease can lead to coughing, chest pain and breathing problem while the signs of colon cancer can include constipation, blood in the stool and diarrhea. There are certain cancerous diseases which might not have any kind of symptoms. However, with most of the cancers the common symptoms include chills, fatigue, appetite loss, fever, malaise, weight loss and night sweats. The signs differ on the basis of the location as well as type of malignant cells. There are certain common tests through which these diseases are diagnosed. These are biopsy, chest x-ray, blood test, MRI scan, CT scan and blood count.

The cancer treatment is done on the basis of type and stage of the disease. The healing process may include methods such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Leading a healthy life can abstain one from developing cancer to a great extent.

FAQ’s on Breast Cancer

Breast tissues or the lining inside the milk ducts are the main areas from where breast cancer originates. Breast cancer is mainly divided into lobular carcinomas and ductal carcinomas, and the names come from the different places of origin of this cancer. This cancer does not happen only in humans but is also seen among other animals and specially mammals. In humans, women are more prone to breast cancer, but that does not mean that men are exempted from the risk of breast cancer, although, the chances are meager when compared to women.

There are different factors on which the treatment for breast cancer depends, like the stage, the growth rate, the size at which the cancerous tumor is in or has been detected. Treatments like chemotherapy, surgery, radiation are available, but the removal of the tumor with the help of surgery has gained widespread success, and this method alone has given a complete cure in the case of breast cancer. To make sure that the person, who has been freed from the shackles of breast cancer, enjoys a long life without any diseases arising from it again, chemotherapy regimens are given along with surgery.

Radiation is used to kill those cells which are cancerous which were missed by surgery, so that it does not start multiplying once again, and bringing the person back to square one. This helps in increasing the survival chances of the patient, but the side effect is that the heart gets exposed to radiation which in the future might cause heart failure. Some forms of breast cancer fluctuate due to hormones like progesterone or estrogen and by blocking these hormones from affecting; we can treat this variety of breast cancer. The survival rate in the case of breast cancer is about 85%, suggests a recent study, but that varies depending on the stage of cancer and the kind of treatment that was given.

There are various types of cancers worldwide, but breast cancer alone covers 22.9% in women which is an alarming figure. Symptoms of breast cancer are generally a lump that is harder and different and not like the remaining tissues of the breast. It is only when the person feels an awkward lump in the breast that they go for consultation, and 80% of this cancer has been detected this way. So, we can conclude that the initial symptoms are quite visible. Recent studies revealed that not all breast cancers can be prevented from happening, but there are some that can be prevented by not consuming alcohol and increasing physical exercise, and maintaining an ideal weight. 

Smoking is another crucial factor that expedites the process of cancer of the breast and the earlier you begin smoking in life, the greater are the chances of having cancer. Having the first child late, or not having a child at all consist a formidable percentage of breast cancer issues. Nowadays, there are advanced surgeries  like lumpectomy, which helps a lot in treatment, but the best way is to try to prevent it from happening by not drinking alcohol, not smoking, having a balanced diet and making exercise a compulsory chore in our daily life. After all, “Prevention is better than cure.”

Things to Know About Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a skin problem that can be found in a large number of people around the world. Many people are affected by this disease at some parts of their lives. Among them, some experience severe form of it that can lead to permanent scarring. This type of skin disease involves non-inflammatory blackheads that may be closed or open. They are also characterized by inflammatory nodules, pustules and papules. The parts of the skin that have the highest presence of sebaceous follicles are most affected by this skin issue. These parts include the human face, the back and chest. Acne vulgaris is found in many teenagers as well as young adults. Here, the highly active oil glands become inflamed, red and plugged. However, you can treat this problem by keeping your skin clear. It is necessary to avoid irritating cosmetics or soaps. There are different medications, as well as topical creams that can be used for treatment.

Hormone fluctuations are the most common causes behind the formation of acne vulgaris. In several cases, it has been seen that genetics also play a pivotal role. This skin problem takes place when the hormonal changes results in additional skin oil. During puberty, the amount of the testosterone hormone varies. Acne will start to diminish as the hormonal changes start to become stable with time. The time taken by this skin problem, to disappear entirely is different for different individuals. Excess presence of a substance known as sebum is also another factor behind acne vulgaris. This substance is secreted by the sebaceous gland. It is made up of fats and debris, and it makes the skin appear oily. Sebum production is also caused by the hormonal fluctuations. This involves the androgen hormones which start during puberty. Growth hormones can also play a crucial role in this.

The acne vulgaris symptoms include pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. It also leads to scarring, as well as redness of the skin. The deep and large pimples are known as cystic lesions. If they are infected, they can be quite painful. Acne can also occur during first few months or weeks after birth due to the maternal hormones and the size of the adrenal gland. When the pores of the skin are clogged by the dead cells and oil, it results in the formation of this skin issue. If it is infected it can lead to pus, swelling and redness.

The treatment of acne vulgaris depends on the type and intensity of the disease. Acne can be severe as well as moderate or mild. Azelaic acid can be used for the treatment of hyper-pigmentation or brown spots. It is useful for different types of acne. Topical medications that are used for this skin disease are clindamycin and erythromycin. They are available in the form of lotions, gels, pads and solutions. Product of benzoyl peroxide is also quite effective. You can also use oral antibiotics. Through the right cure, you will certainly be able to improve the condition.

Options of Acne Treatment

Acne vulgaris is caused due to the accumulation of sebum, debris and dirt in the pores of the skin. Bacteria are attracted by this accumulation, and this leads to infection. This skin issue is more common in the young adults and teenagers. However, it can occur at any part of the lifetime. This condition can become painful as well as irritating. Many people, who have this skin disease, suffer from emotional disorders also. There are different acne treatment options that are available for the acne patients. This can reduce the effects of acne or even cure it altogether. Through proper treatment process, you will be able to prevent the formation of cysts, scars and pimples. The treatment option that you select depends on the severity of the problem. You must figure out the main cause behind this skin disease. This will help you to clear it up effectively, and prevent it from occurring again. 

Most vital part of the acne treatment procedure is to clean the face with warm water at least twice daily. The skin should be cleansed with a mild soap. There are acne soaps or lotions that can help in healing the skin disease quite gently. Scrubbing must be avoided as it can worsen the situation. You can wipe the face with wet tissues whenever you go out. Benzoyl peroxide is highly useful for the treatment of acne. This medication can be found in different forms such as ointments, creams, liquids and gels. The dirt trapped in the skin follicles is targeted by it. If this dirt can be removed, then it can begin the healing process. Application of salicylic acid can also be effective in acne treatment. It dries the greasy as well as oily debris in the skin pores. Apart from this chemical, Azelaic acid has also proved to be beneficial. It can kill the bacteria which are responsible for the acne formation. Thus, chemical treatment is one of the most common methods that are helpful for people suffering from acne. You can avail different products that contain these chemicals.

Medications based on Vitamin A can also be used for acne treatment. These are generally known as retinoid, and they work by peeling the outer layer of the skin. You can apply them on the skin for one or two times in a day. There are also the antibiotic lotions that control the bacteria that cause acne. Besides the lotions, antibiotic tablets can be used in case of inflammatory acne. They can be taken for three to six months on a daily basis for getting the best benefits. These medications can dry up the  oily secretion of the skin. You can speak with skin specialist before going for any such medication.     

For moderate acne treatment, you can use some essential oils. These include bergamot oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, rosewood oil and clove oil. You can visit your local pharmacy or retail store for the treatment products that will help you to get rid of acne. However, you must understand all aspects of a treatment method before going for it.

Acne Homeopathic Treatments for You

Acne is among the most troublesome, as well as common skin problem that can be found in many people especially teenagers. It leads to scars, pimples, blackheads and cysts. The skin can be badly damaged by this disease. It is found on the face, back, chest, shoulders and neck. This skin issue occurs mainly at the time of adolescence because of the hormonal changes. It affects the oil gland of the skin, and dirt gets trapped in the skin pores. This is experienced by most of the human beings at some point of their lifetime. Different treatment options are there for people suffering from acne. However, the acne homeopathic treatments have proved to be not only effective, but also the safest. An excellent remedy is offered by homeopathy that is helpful for people of all age groups. 

Various chemical products are used by the acne patient, but they can have harmful side effects. Due to this, many people now prefer acne homeopathic treatments. There are natural options of healing this skin condition. These include the essential oils obtained from lavender, tea tree, bergamot, clove and rosewood. They are extremely effective in the prevention of acne and thus, can also be helpful for highly sensitive skin. A homeopathic treatment schedule can be formulated by the patient, and then followed on a regular basis. This can certainly lead to a healthy skin free from acne. In the homeopathy treatment process, a doctor may check the health background of the patient, and figure out the actual cause behind the skin problem. This helps in determining the most appropriate homeopathic formula. 

Homeopathy offers different effective as well as natural remedies to people suffering from acne. While going through the homeopathic treatment process, the patient can notice the improvements where the pimples dry up, and the overall number of acne also reduces. Apart from this, it will also stop the feelings of itching, burning and pain. Most importantly, the skin texture will improve. In homeopathic treatment, acne is considered as a serious issue, and the healing is not done with the help of the ointments, creams, gels or drugs. The symptoms are understood from every aspect, and then a complete treatment option is provided. The acne homeopathic treatments focus on the medical history of the patient, so that the disease can be removed from its roots. This is useful in resurfacing the skin.

This external skin problem is actually caused by internal disorder. Thus, the acne homeopathic treatments concentrate on holistic healing of the problem. The healing capacity of the body is also boosted by the homeopathic system. You should always consult an experienced homeopath if you want to overcome the problem of acne vulgaris. The homeopaths also consider the personal circumstances of the patients before providing them with the right treatment. Along with the acne homeopathic treatments, you must also follow a proper diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You need to avoid foods that are highly processed, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Effective Care for Acne

There are plenty of lotions and creams available in the market that promise to remove or to get control over the sudden break out of Acne or pimples. The most common story line of a commercial that promotes such a product is that a teenage girl or boy wants to go to a party or prom night but is utterly disheartened by the break of pimples on the day of the event, and how that pimple cream miraculously cures it. However, all these commercials may not reveal the real truth about acne and how one can get rid of it.

Acne most popularly known as zits or pimple is a condition of the skin that gives rise to blackheads, red swelling and whiteheads. When pores of our skin get clogged zits are formed. Follicles that are found in our skin comprise of oil glands and hair and these follicles have an opening or a pore. Such oil glands lubricate our skin and help in the removal of dead or old cells. When excessive oil is produced from the glands the pores may be blocked, and this may result in the buildup of bacteria, debris, dirt etc. Bacteria are not the cause of pimples but inflammation and swelling.

Teenagers are most troubled by the problem of Acne due to various hormonal alterations or changes that their body goes through, but it can also occur on the skin of people belonging to different age group, even new born infants. The tendency of having zits or pimples is often a characteristic carried down from generation to generation in a family. In such cases, various factors like hormonal alteration related to pregnancy, stress, oily lotions, greasy cosmetics, excessive sweating, high humidity or oily products for hair may trigger the growth of acne. The most common places where pimples appear are face, shoulder, legs, trunk, and arms too.

Most common beliefs like eating nuts, chocolates or oily food may trigger the growth of acne is not scientifically proven. However, having high quantity of refined sugar in the food consumed daily, can lead to break out pimples in your face or different parts of your body.

To cure the problem of pimple you can consult a dermatologist or you can take some effective steps at your own home. Firstly to get a proper, clean and glowing skin it is essential that you clean it regularly with a nondrying and mild soap that will effectively remove makeup and dirt. Secondly, regular exercise can give miraculous results. Thirdly, if you have hair that is oily you should shampoo it regularly and tie it in a manner so that it stays away from your face. 

When you have acne on your skin, it is vital that you do not touch it with your nails or fingers or scratch and squeeze it, as it may result in blemishing your skin. If you face acute pimple problem, you can also ask your family physician or dermatologist to prescribe medicine that helps to stop the break out of pimples.

Top Ten Things to Put on Your Shopping List

1. Fresh fruits and vegetables, organic if possible. Fresh produce has more nutrients per calorie than any other food. They should be juiced, eaten raw, or lightly steamed.

2. Fermented dairy products like yogurt. Buy plain, sugar-free varieties that are free of artificial sweeteners. Add your own fruit for flavor.

3. Organic virgin flaxseed, canola, or olive oil.

4. Spring or distilled water if you do not have a high-quality water filter in your house. Don't buy bottled filtered tap water. Read labels.

5. Dried beans, lentils, and black-eyed peas. Precooked varieties may also be used for convenience.

6. Raw nuts, especially almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and brazil nuts still in their shell. Avoid raw peanuts. Organic nuts are best.

7. Whole-grain pastas, breads, and snacks. If it doesn't say "whole" on the ingredient listing, as in "whole wheat flour" or "whole durham flour," it isn't.

8. Unfermented green tea, Caflx, Celestial Seasonings' "Iced Delight," or any other natural herbal drink mix that does not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners.

9. Salsa, mild or spicy, as a replacement for sugar-laden ketchup.

10. Herbs and spices, including garlic, ginger, thyme, rose¬mary, basil, cayenne pepper, and turmeric.

Top Ten nutrition Myths

  1. Eating according to the new food pyramid will ensure that you are eating a healthy diet. Virtually any food can fit into the food pyramid. Ice cream, sugar-laden cookies, fried chips, and refined white flour products. The problem with the food pyramid is that it makes little distinction in food quality. It tells you to minimize fats, but does not tell you which fats are best. It also emphasizes carbohydrates, which for many may be inappropriate.
  2. Eggs should be avoided, for they are high in cholesterol. Eggs are one of the most nutrient-rich foods known, and there is no evidence that they have any effect on cholesterol levels. They are an excellent source of important nutrients like sulfur, zinc, and choline.
  3. Nuts are fattening. Nuts have a significant amount of calories, but that does not make them fattening. It is the sum total of the food you eat and the efficiency of your metabolism that will determine whether a food you eat increases your weight. Some actually find nuts an excellent snack to help them curb cravings and lose weight.
  4. You need to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is an excellent and highly recommended adjunct to the weight loss process, but it is not necessary for healthy and permanent weight loss. Diet and nutrient intake are far more important.
  5. Foods must only be eaten in certain combinations. There is no research that demonstrates that humans need to eat only certain foods at the same time. Humans are omni-vores. Our pancreas secretes fat-, protein-, and carbohydrate-digesting enzymes simultaneously. Throughout history, the human race has thrived on a wide variety of foods eaten in innumerable combinations. The human body can handle any combination of whole foods eaten at the same time.
  6. Diet and nutrient intake has no effect on arthritis. Vitamin E, EPA, and glucosamine sulfate are just some of the valuable nutritional aids that have proven effective in helping arthritics. The Lancet recently published a study showing the dramatic reduction in pain a vegetarian diet can make. When someone tells you that there is no success with nutritional therapies, check to see who funds that organization. They are often funded by drug companies that make arthritis medications.
  7. Cholesterol-lowering medication will lengthen your life. Statistics show it will shorten it.
  8. Diets don't work. Well-designed diets by well-educated nutritionists do, especially when optimal levels of nutrients are included.
  9. There are no magic foods. Nutrition is science, not magic. If certain foods quench free radicals or protect against cancer, suggesting we eat more of those foods is not a sleight-of-hand trick. It is a well-reasoned suggestion based on solid research, and an important strategy in our fight against degen-erative disease. Saying 'there are no magic foods" implies that all foods have the same effect on the body. That is ridiculous. Those who downplay the value of superfoods are trying to enforce a brand of mediocre nutrition that has kept Americans dying of degenerative diseases long enough.
  10. Senility is genetic and has little to do with diet. While there are certainly genetic factors at work in such ailments as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of senility, an overall program of optimal nutrition, including nutrients like niacin and herbs like ginkgo, can play a powerful role in preventing senility and enhancing brain health.
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